Erin Merryn, childhood sexual abuse survivor, author, speaker, child advocate, and activist is the founder and President of Erin’s Law, a non-profit social welfare organization in the State of Illinois.  Erin is a survivor of rape by an uncle from the age of 6-8, without her parent’s knowledge.  She is now on a mission to persuade all 50 states to pass Erin’s Law, which mandates all public schools to use age-appropriate curricula to teach students how to tell on anyone who touches or attempts to touch their private parts.

The law was originally introduced in her home state of Illinois, in 2011.  The law was named after Erin in honor of her efforts to protect children from sexual abuse.  Once it was signed by legislators, it caught on nationwide.  She has met with dozens of state legislators, testified in front of State Senate and House committees, and served on several committees to draft bills and implement the new laws.  Due to her efforts, 26 states have passed Erin’s Law.

According to Erin’s, every six minutes a child is sexually abused in the United States.  One in every 4 girls and 6 boys will be sexually assaulted before they turn 18.  More than 90% of the assault are from a family member or friend.  Only 1 in 10 sexually abused children ever tell anyone about it.

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